- https://www.baldengineer.com/pwm-3-pin-pc-fan-arduino.html
- https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/230802/12-volt-switched-by-5-volt
It's for PWM control of a 12 volt fan. We could maybe also use a standard motor controller like https://sites.google.com/view/steam-clowns-closet/motor-controller-l298n-dual-h-bridge-motor-controller
Talk to me next time we do Robot Club... You will need to learn how to run the Oscilloscope... so you also will want to try this tutorial...
- Oscilloscopes Made Easy #1 - Introduction to Oscilloscopes (Rigol DS1104Z)
- Oscilloscopes Made Easy #2 - Simple Triggering (Rigol DS1104Z)
- How to Use an Oscilloscope - General overview for a different scope... but still good