Thursday, December 5, 2019

Saul Payan- FirstPersonDriver- Entry#1

So far, for this project we have;

  •  taken off the back panel, and discarded of unnecessary cables.
  • Once that was done, we unscrewed the front dashboard to get a look at the main cable connections, which include the speedometer, tachometer, etc. 
  • we took off the steering wheel and saw that the gear shift(or possibly the direction signals, unsure) had a broken mechanical part,therefore not functional. We plan to contact the wielding department to see if they may be able to help repair it.
  •  We took off the seat as well to get a better look at the pedal connections. we noticed that the ground and power connections ( Blue and White Wires) were broken and in need of soldering.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Tachometer and MPH Gauge

Jerico, Saul, I looked up some info in the gauges.

Looks like the wiring is standard, we can check next time you work on it...  We will need to do more research to verify that the wire we have are the same... Check out the following links:

First Team

Historical Team Members:
2019-2020 - PM Team - Jerico Koda & Saul Payan

Launch Of Robot Club Project First Person Driver Page

Hey SVCTE Mechatronics Robot Club teams, I'm launching a new process to capture your progress documenting your Robot Club projects. The goal is that we have a better and easier method to create a portfolio of engineering work you have done.  TBD, but I'll post a template and Rubric.

I'll also add your team mates as Blog Authors, you will see an invite... click accept.

I'll also post requests for specific data or content... so read the blog posts... it would be a good Idea to sign up for email notifications when a new blog post happens.